JACKSONVILLE – Mark Lamping stated the obvious Tuesday evening.
And when the Jaguars' and Bold City Events' president helped open Daily's Place with an official ribbon-cutting ceremony, what had been evident throughout the weekend became a bit more official:
Daily's Place is not only very much operating, it's very much a success.
"It's been a long 237 days," Lamping said. "But at least from the initial response from the first couple of shows, it's a really unique and a very, very popular facility."
Tedeschi Trucks Band opened Daily's Place Saturday, with Train, O.A.R. and Natasha Bedingfield playing Sunday. Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds played to a sold-out crowd Tuesday.
Tuesday's pre-concert ceremony featured Lamping, Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry, Daily's Place Chief Executive Officer Aubrey Edge, Populous Senior Associate Thom Chuparkoff, Danis Construction President Steve Betz and Hunt Construction Director of Project Development Jeff Fisher.
"To say that the last 60 days have been without issue would be a lie," Lamping said. "But to also say that the last 60 days haven't been very positive and focused on the outcome – which was being open on May 27 – that would be a lie as well. The partnership could not have been stronger."
Curry called the project another example of the partnership between the Jaguars and the city of Jacksonville, and called it "the beginning of what's to come."
"When we decide to do something in partnership, we're going to do it and we're going to do it well," Curry said. "I know it's sending a message about our city."
Edge lauded the vision of Khan and Lamping, and said he – like Curry – attended all three concerts at the facility through Tuesday.
"I didn't know having fun was this much work," Edge said with a laugh. "We're having a fantastic time, and it's really incredible. The crowd is enthusiastic and they love Daily's Place. … It's just a whole new level to downtown Jacksonville.
"It's been a great, great opening weekend and we're just getting started."
Lamping said feedback had been overwhelmingly positive from fans attending the concerts, as well as from the performers. He also said acoustics and sound "have been great the first few shows."
"The other thing that makes us feel very optimistic about the future is our partners at Live Nation have given us really, really high marks for a facility that just opened," Lamping said. "Bands that have been here – whether it's the performers or their management – have been very, very positive about their experience here."
Take a look back at Daily' Place Grand Opening this past weekend.