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O-Zone: Where they are


Let's get to it …

Jim from Jagsonville


This is a fair reaction to the Jaguars' 47-10 loss to the Buffalo Bills at Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park, N.Y., Monday – and really, I'm uncertain what other reaction anyone could expect. The Jaguars trailed 13-0 at the end of the first quarter and 34-3 at the end of the second quarter – and those margins accurately reflected the Bills' dominance through the first half. It didn't get much better thereafter. It was a disappointing and inexplicable performance in any circumstance, and it was particularly disappointing considering the prime-time stage – and the fact that a victory could have reset the tone for the early part of the season. I fully expected the Jaguars to play with energy and enthusiasm Monday, particularly early. I thought they would take a first-half lead and be very much in the game in the second half. I worried that the Bills – particularly quarterback Josh Allen – might be too good for the Jaguars to maintain that hot start and I thought the Jaguars might lose the game. I wrote and said as much often last week. But I absolutely did not expect them to be uncompetitive from the start. It makes sense for fans to be incredulous and disbelieving over this one. It makes sense for the inbox to be filled with frustration and anger. Why wouldn't it be after what we saw Monday?

Michael from Mean Streets of Arlington

There's no explanation except you are what you are.

A word of warning before we get too deep into this next-day O-Zone. As I wrote in Quick Thoughts for Monday evening/Tuesday morning, a performance such as the one we saw Monday doesn't lend itself to much analysis. How can a team play like that in primetime with so much at stake? How can this team be 0-3? Quarterback Trevor Lawrence, Head Coach Doug Pederson and wide receiver Christian Kirk understandably didn't have much in the way of answers after the game. That's not unusual because postgame press conferences typically offer little in the way of satisfying answers – particularly after losses like this. If they don't know, I sure as heck don't. But this email perhaps explains it pretty well. The Jaguars are 0-3, with the third loss – the Bills loss – about as one-sided as you get in the NFL these days. The Jaguars absolutely are what they are right now: An 0-3 team that's not good.

Gunga from Sand Dune

Hi, O. Looks like we have what it takes for a perfect season. 0-16 here we come.

The Jaguars will not go 0-16. I can almost guarantee it.

Brandon from Louisville

It's okay to admit that Trevor is a No. 1 overall bust. It's been enough time now to admit it.

Lawrence hasn't played well enough early this season. If this had been how he had played for his entire career, or if he were the only – or even the primary – reason the Jaguars were playing poorly, maybe this assessment would have merit. None of that is the case.

Scott from Fernandina Beach, FL

I suggest the defense stops the whole social distancing thing.

This was a little funny.

Greg from Naples, FL

O, I know it's not always coaching in the NFL. But I'm at a loss to explain how a team this talented can play this poorly over the first three weeks of the season.

It's probably time to pump the brakes on talk of how "talented" this team is. The Jaguars' talent level unquestionably is better than it was in 2020 and 2021. They have lost eight of nine games dating to last season and one of the main reasons is players aren't making big, crucial plays in key moments. NFL players make big plays in big, crucial key moments. Until the Jaguars start doing that – and until they start winning – we may have to assume it's a team of a lot of good players but not enough players who are great enough to make winning plays. Maybe they're better than that. It's possible. If so, it's time to show it.

Tony from Belleville

Do you think the Jags make a change at head coach at the bye week?

The bye week is a loooooong way away.

Jeremy from Gilbert, AZ

It's so disappointing watching real NFL teams just carve up the Jags like a hot knife through butter. How do we constantly find ways to be the lesser talented, lesser prepared, lesser coached team? It's almost impressive in a very sad way.

I'm not impressed.

Hilarious from Funnytown

I won't lie to you, O. I'm not impressed. Top down. Any of it. I don't like when coaches say, "I don't know." I don't like our offensive line and anyone who signed off on it. I don't like the middle school drama around who's the play-caller. I think we all would like to know exactly who is responsible for exactly what around here. This is a clown car driving backwards.

I'm still not impressed, either. I'm still not a big believer that PlayCallingGate has all that much – or anything, really – to do with the Jaguars' struggles, but the way the Jaguars played Monday fans can criticize whatever they want to criticize. Have at it.

Michael from Fountain

So, should we just go ahead and start talking about the draft now? At least it's a hopeful topic. Based on their energy and body language, several Jaguars players have already given up on the season anyway.

I don't sense the players have given up on the season. I understand that that's how it looks when you play like the Jaguars did Monday. I have no explanation that will change people's minds if they believe they have given up on the season. I just don't sense that they have given up on the season.

Raleigh from Jax

You don't cover anyone else. Can you explain how this isn't the worst team in the NFL?

It's true I don't cover any other NFL teams. I don't know if the Jaguars are the worst team in the NFL. They're 0-3, so they're as bad as any team in the NFL. They've earned that description.

Mike from Lakeland

For a team with preseason playoff aspirations, they surely haven't looked competitive.

They indeed have not.

Bill from Bostwick

Desperate times call for desperate measures, O. It's time to bench Trevor for at least one game in favor of Mac Jones. If nothing else than to send a message of how bad things have become. Trevor has lost how many consecutive starts now dating back to last season? I mean, what the heck? Look what a QB shakeup did for Carolina. The last two games have been hard to watch. Time to do something significantly different.

Lawrence doesn't need a message. He's fully aware of how bad things have become, and I expect he will start against the Texans Sunday. As for doing something significantly different, Head Coach Doug Pederson discussed this after the game Sunday. He said there must be changes. The moments immediately after a game are too early to be specific on the topic. Stay tuned.

Michael from Middleburg

I know it is not going to happen, but someone needs to watch the Houston-Minnesota game. Especially Minnesota defense.

Your email suggests that the Jaguars won't watch or scout the Houston Texans' game against the Minnesota Vikings this past Sunday in advance of the Jaguars' game against the Texans Sunday. This suggestion is pure silliness.

Adam from Lexington, KY

I'm tired. I'm tired of this team giving me false hope, Every. Single. Year. I'm tired of being told that our team is good and ready to compete. Ultimately, I'm tired of being embarrassed to be a Jags fan.


Don from Marshall, NC

Fire sale!

When it comes to trading players for future draft selections – something I do not expect the Jaguars to do and something I'm not sure is even all that possible – Don remains "all in."

GP from Savannah, GA

John, what a complete breakdown on both offense and defense. Not sure this season is salvageable.

I'm not sure it is, either. No one can be sure, and it's darned sure too much to expect fans to believe it's salvageable. An 0-3 start with a performance such as the one we saw Monday is enough to destroy a team's confidence and belief in itself – and without those two things, a team has no chance. That's the reality. It's also reality that 14 games remain and the Jaguars are capable of winning any of those games. They are capable of playing better, beating the Texans Sunday and using that as a way of winning more games – and pulling out of this. Just because it's hard to picture that now doesn't mean it can't happen. It's up to the Jaguars to do this when few believe they can. That's where we are now. That's the storyline.
