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O-Zone: Group think

JACKSONVILLE – Let's get to it …

Kei from Kitakyushu, Japan

Are we ever going to have a Shad Khan conversation, especially outside of the Jags' sphere? He's been the through-line for a decade-plus of on- and off-field embarrassment. It's high time he starts getting some smoke.

I'm not sure what "conversation" is supposed to take place in this vein, and I guess I'm not hip enough to be certain what "smoke" means. If it means criticism, fear not: Khan has received plenty of criticism and scrutiny from Jaguars fans. That's part of the deal when you own an NFL franchise. And make no mistake: Khan owns the Jaguars. He's not going to sell the Jaguars. Nor should he. He spends money and invests in this franchise on a level on par with any NFL owner to ensure it is competitive. He also has shown remarkable commitment for more than a decade to stabilizing the franchise and ensuring it remains in Jacksonville. He hires football people and lets the football people run the organization. This is what the vast majority of NFL owners do. Most NFL owners who say they have a great influence over winning or losing have a very high regard for themselves.

Jack from the Bronx

When will the following happen: A, Jaguars win a game in the regular season. B, Jaguars win a game on prime-time TV. C, Jaguars win a playoff game. D, Jaguars win a Super Bowl. E, Jaguars get more NFL Hall of Famers. F, Jaguars are sold or fold operations.

I started to answer this question in letter-by-letter fashion. I got to "F" and decided against it because some questions are just too ridiculous. Khan has no plans to sell the Jaguars and the Jaguars aren't going to fold operations. C'mon.

Marcus from Jax

The decision to sign quarterback Trevor Lawrence to a megadeal will be the deciding factor in the success or failure of the franchise for the next 10 years. If he succeeds, they will compete for championships. If he fails, that contract will cripple them for years. I know fans want him benched, but I'm not there yet, because if they give up on him, it will be the first domino to fall leading us into another era of futility for the Jacksonville Jaguars.

It's not quite 10 years. It's really about half of that. But yeah…

Seth from Jacksonville

Top 5 pick in 2025. Who do we start looking towards and deciding to build for next year?

This seems a good time for this reminder: We do not typically engage in in-depth – or even shallow – discussions about the NFL Draft here in the O-Zone during the season. We particularly don't do this in September or October and usually not even in November, December or January. There is plenty of time for draft – and free agency – during the offseason.

CB from Savannah, GA

We will not win when scoring at an average of 13.33 points per game. Sacked five times Monday. Where's the offensive line protection for Lawrence?

True. True. Missing in action too often this season.

Blaine from Prescott, Az

Dear Mr. O, I am as unhappy as everyone with an 0-3 start; however, there is still a possible path to the playoffs. That is winning the division beginning with the Houston Texans and Indianapolis Colts games coming up. The Jaguars must beat these two teams. Divisions have been won at 8-9, even in recent years. If they get to 0-5 there will be a fire sale before the trade deadline November 5. Possibly including WR Kirk, LT Robinson, RG Scherff, TE Engram. I hope not, but prior to week 8 there will be trades.

The Jaguars absolutely can win the AFC South if they start playing well and winning beginning Sunday against the Houston Texans in Houston. I don't expect there to be a fire sale. A lot of players on this team need to play a lot better to be wanted in such a sale.

Tim from Fort Wayne, IN

I'm dealing with all the feelings and frustration of every Jags fan right now, so I'll try to skip that part and just ask for your thoughts. What is the difference between late '22/ early '23 Trevor Lawrence and the Trevor Lawrence that we've seen for the last eight or so games? He's never been elite, but he doesn't feel like the same player currently.

This is a fair question. I wish I had a good answer.

Michael V from West Palm Beach, FL

Not much of a question as much as a statement. We are 0-3 and everyone is acting like the end of the world and it's all over. We have a great team surrounding a great quarterback. We don't deserve the record we have. Yes, we are playing very poorly. Horrible execution. But keep your heads up. It's a long season and this team fights and strives adversity. Trev keep your head up and keep putting in that work on and off the field and lead these boys to victory. #JagsNation # FearTheTeal

The Jaguars do not have a great team and Lawrence is not a great quarterback. But they have a good team – or at least a team that should be good – and he is a good quarterback with a chance to develop and be much better. It is a long season. As for this team's fight and how it handles adversity … we're about to learn a lot about those topics.

Cj from Jax

Um. Back to Square One?

Sure. Why not?

Roscoe from Southside

Zone - this team looked like they quit. Has the coach lost the locker room? Is the season already over in the players attitudes after only three losses?

It's fair for fans to wonder if the Jaguars have quit. That's always fair after losses that look like Monday's loss to the Buffalo Bills looked. I don't believe Head Coach Doug Pederson has lost the locker room and I don't believe the players have quit, or lost belief, or lost direction – all of the things that often cause losing. It's up to the Jaguars to show that those beliefs are correct. They play a game Sunday.

Zach from Ocala

KOAF, could the lack of energy come from running the same boring plays over the last three years? We can all agree, after so many times of doing the same thing. It gets boring. Maybe to "create" some excitement for our players. Let's have some cool plays. Some teams do have fun! Some teams are complacent. What are your thoughts on the playbook after three years? The play either works, or it doesn't.

No, lack of energy does not stem from running the same plays as teams have run before – and the Jaguars do not need to "create cool plays." It would be cool to run the plays they are running better. That actually would be really cool. There's nothing wrong with the Jaguars' playbook.

Michael from World Golf

There is a ticking clock for every player, coach, and talent acquisition/development person in the NFL. Sometimes the clock ticks very slowly and quietly. Sometimes the clock ticks very quickly and loudly. Sometimes the amount of time on the clock gets adjusted. I have no idea how much time is on any of those clocks down at the stadium. Am I wrong in feeling some of those clocks are/should be ticking a little louder after Monday?

Absolutely not.

P Funk from Murray Hill

Did the organization put in a request for the later bye week this season? If so, do you know the reasoning behind it?

Teams generally want later byes because you usually need them more then than at the beginning of the season.

Brian from ROUND ROCK, TX

I'm not sure that injuries played the major part of last season's collapse as some have speculated. It was a collapse, that continues. Why? No one seems to have an answer. It's a total mystery. Any insight, O? Or are you as useless as Gary claims you are.

One fer Gary.

Bill from Jax

Why have we played progressively worse each game?

Good question. What you hope is that they've played teams that are progressively a little better each week – and in the case of the Bills, at lot better – and that that's reflected in the results. What you hope it isn't is that the players are progressively losing belief in what's going on and that's reflective in the results. You also hope that it's not a case of teams identifying the Jaguars' weaknesses and exposing those weaknesses. My guess is it's more the former than either of the two latters.

Paul from Washington, D.C.

If the offensive line is still "better than most observe," can we ask those people making the observations what they see?

The Jaguars' offensive line has had a rough start to the season. The group is far from alone in that regard.
