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Monachino on Harvey


This is a transcript of Ted Monachino's press conference following the selection of Derrick Harvey.

(on getting a quality player) "No question about it. This is a guy that's a great Jaguar pick. This is a good young football player that has a lot of great football left ahead of him. I think he's going to get better and better and it's not going to take very long to start seeing great improvement in Derrick. Couldn't be more excited; thrilled about him."

(on the impact of the trade) "Well, we could have never predicted the trade that happened. I couldn't have as the position coach. Now, if somebody would have asked me 'hey, would you do this for a guy like Derrick Harvey?' I would have said absolutely but there are so many things that are fluid in the draft and how it works out, you never really know who is going to be available from pick six on down. There could have been a huge run on (defensive) ends, there could have been one end taken in the first 15 picks and then we would have had to do what we did. But like I said, I am thrilled that we did it and I really commend Jack (Del Rio) and Shack (Harris) and Gene (Smith) for the job that they did in helping me to evaluate the kid and realize that this guy is going to be a good Jaguar for a lot of years."

(as a defensive coach, was Harvey the top player in your mind?) "As the way I looked at it, I was thoroughly impressed with Derrick. I've know Derrick since he was a 16-year-old high school junior. I tried to recruit him to Arizona State (University) at that time. As a junior coming out, he was having a great year and that was the same year that Terrell Suggs had so many sacks at ASU for us. His coach called. He was getting under-recruited. He said 'I think I may have the next Terrell Suggs.' He sent me the film, I agreed with him. We offered him right away and once there is a leader in college recruiting, everybody else tends to jump on. The think they better go back and look at that film again and then the next thing you know everybody in the ACC and the SEC is on the kid. It was a simple choice for him to go to (University of) Florida instead of going all the way out to the west coast to Arizona State."

(you missed out on Harvey then but you have to feel pretty good now that you have him.) "No question about it. At the Pro Day, which I'm sure there is some pretty funny video of that I was involved in, I had a good long talk with Derrick and just talked to him about the fact that I lost him once in recruiting, there was a chance that I may lose him again on draft day but there was going to come a time in his career when he was going to be a free agent and he was going to want to play for me at that time. He was on board with it at that time and when I talked to him on the phone right after the pick, he was just as excited as I was. When I found that we were on the clock at the eighth pick, I jumped out of my chair and almost put my hands through the ceiling. I had a pretty good idea that maybe Derrick was the guy we were going up to get."

(what makes him a special player?) "This is a guy that has all of the…They use a buzz phrase around here, Jaguars trait. This is a Jaguars trait football player. This is a bottom of your shoes to the top of your head gear, every snap of a football game kind of a player and what he does as a player is he's the kind of guy that's strong enough to play over a tight end, quick enough to play on the open side, is an effective pass rusher and a productive pass rusher. Can make plays on his own. We don't have to scheme things for Derrick to get him close to the quarterback. I think this is a guy that as we continue to build and create competition in the position group, all of our guys are going to appreciate the job he does, the effort that he gives in the way he approaches his business every day."

(do you get that excited over every draft pick or was this something different?) "Well, this is something different. This is certainly something different. We've had some interesting, some great picks in the past and things that I was really exciting about but never have I been in this situation as a first year defensive line coach and having a chance to coach a player of the quality of Derrick right off the bat as a rookie and what this does for our veteran guys in terms of creating the competition and sharing some reps around with a guy that physically can do it, I think that this bodes well for our entire group."

(is it a coincidence that your team drafted two University of Florida players in the first round back to back years?) "When we were at the Combine and interviewed Derrick, I put it to him as straight as I could put it to him. In Jacksonville we have very high expectations of our Florida Gators and I asked him if he was up for meeting those expectations and I didn't even get the question out and he answered it right away. He is going to be the type of guy that fits in well in this community, he's going to do everything on the field that we expect him to do and he's going to do everything to make sure that he promotes the Jaguar way everywhere he goes."

(on the incident at the Pro Day) "I will tell you one guy that has, Jake Long as been as close to him as I have and I think I came out of it a little better than Jake did that day. But that day when I had the chance to work with Derrick at their Pro Day, he took me literally. I said to spin off of the coach and he spun right off of me. The one thing I will tell you though is I was athletic enough not to go all the way down. It took me about 10 steps to stop but I did stay on my feet."

(so he's coachable?) "No question about it. I had to go back and clean up the directions of the drill for the rest of the guys because I didn't want to get knocked down every time."

(do you laugh about that with him?) "Absolutely. I laughed about it with him three minutes after it happened and then talked to him again at the end of the workout. Every time somebody brings it up I think it's funny. The kid was doing what I asked him to do and going full speed and that's a big man running full speed. But when he started to accelerate within about three yards of me, I knew there was a collision coming."

(has this type of acquisition happened to you before?) "There is somebody that has a connection with just about every kid that's in the draft. You just have to know where maybe a coach's hometown is or what colleges he's recruited for. I've never had it happen to me before. Like I said, this was my first time going through it. I just fortunate that I know enough about the make-up of this kid to feel really confident about the pick."

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