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Jaguars Quarterback Mike Glennon: Wednesday, December 30, 2020

(On getting another start this weekend) "Every opportunity you get to be a starting quarterback in this league, I don't take for granted. Kind of what I hit on earlier in the year, you never know when this chance is going to come again. So, kind of just the same mindset, mentality that I've had is enjoy it, try to make the most of my opportunity, and try to end the season on a high note. There hasn't been a whole lot on the field, but it would be good way to go out, to start the season with a win, end the season with a win, and move on to 2021."

(On Head Coach Doug Marrone's statement of the team sticking together amid the circumstances of a losing season) "Unfortunately for me, this will be the third team I've been with that's ended up with the number one pick. It's never really been an issue that I've seen, but I think this group has handled it as well as any group I've been a part of. I think it's a young group and maybe, in a good way, they don't know any different. But they've handled things the right way and I think he's absolutely right to be proud of the fact and the way we've handled this tough season. No one's showing any quit. No one's pointing any fingers. No one's looking forward to next year. Everyone's just kind of taking it one week at time, giving it our all. We've come up short, but it hasn't been for a lack of effort or hard work."

(On Colts QB Philip Rivers) "It's pretty cool. Obviously, I went to NC State, [Colts QB] Philip [Rivers] went to NC State. [I] got to know him very briefly over the years but kind of followed his career because of that. It just seems like wherever [he goes], when he with the Chargers, now with the Colts, he just finds a way to get it done. He's a competitor. He's fiery. He's fun to watch, fun to see in person because you see that kind of competitive spirit he brings. He's done a great job there in Indianapolis this year and obviously they're going to be gunning for us to get a spot in the playoffs."

(On a scouting report on NC State this season) "They were kind of underrated going into the season, had a lot of injuries last year, didn't have much expectations, but had a really good year. [They] played two quarterbacks. One got hurt. [NC State QB] Bailey Hockman's been playing. He's done a great job. He transferred from Florida State. They have good receivers. I could go on and on because I work out at NC State in offseasons so I know all the guys. [NC State WR] Thayer Thomas, [NC State WR] Emeka Emezie, they've done a really good job. The running backs are good. I don't know the defensive guys quite as well. Hopefully, they put on a good show against Kentucky and end the season with a win."

(On summing up the season) "It's been a wild season. I mean I wasn't even on the initial 53-man roster, but that's just part of this league, the ups and the downs. But I think for me personally having been in the league, just stayed the course, be a pro, come to work every day, do your job. I think that mindset and mentality has helped me in my career and hopefully helped our team. Maybe it hasn't shown in the wins, but hopefully it's helped in the locker room and with Gardner [Minshew II] and with Jake [Luton]. It's been an interesting year."

(On what he learned about himself this year) "Deep question. I don't know. I think to me it's just to stay the course and, like I said, kind of treat every day [the same], be a pro every day, and good things can happen when you do that. Coming in to get cut wasn't fun, but to end up starting in five games is exciting for me and I'm glad I handled it the way I did."

(On Head Coach Doug Marrone keeping the team together this season) "As a coach, sometimes they're searching for things to say and things to do and it's just hard. I think he's handled the situation really well. To come up with speeches after loss after loss isn't easy and he's done a great job of it. You talk about the players have done a good job, but I think he deserves a lot of credit for that as well. To come in every day, we're a reflection of our coach and the matter of his leadership. He's done a great job being a leader and keeping us focused on each and every week and going out trying to get a win."
