Rookie running back Deji Karim has made some players, coaches and a few media members speechless with some of his moves in the club's OTAs. Karim sat down with this week and allowed a peek inside what he does away from the field.
What's on your TV now?
Right now it's the NBA playoffs. That's pretty much the only thing I can watch once practice is done. Regularly it's probably SportsCenter.
Favorite NBA team
I'm from Oklahoma City and we just got a NBA team, so I'm a Thunder fan.
Favorite movie
It would probably be The Hangover. It's a funny movie, and I like comedies. I also like Taken.
Favorite meal
I just like to eat. My parents are from Africa so I like to eat Nigerian food, but down here we don't have that. I eat pretty much anything.
Dream date
My girlfriend is my dream date.
What are your pet peeves?
I hate when I'm walking out in the hallway and the shoes are squeaking against the floor.
What would you sing if you went on American Idol?
If I went on American Idol they'd be having a horrible show. I like a lot of songs. It would have to be one of Genuine's songs. Any of them would work.
Any extreme sport you would like to do?
No I've seen too much bad stuff happen.
Who is the most influential person in your life?
My mother. She has sickle cell. She might get sick, but she's always managed to put food on the table and raise three good boys and one daughter. We are all turning into great people. She's the reason I am who I am today.
Post football plans
I pretty much want to be able to relax wherever I am and work with kids. I graduated in December in recreation. I worked with a lot of kids during internships. Hopefully that will be something I can do in my post football career.