Asa Phillip Randolph, an American labor unionist, is most notably known for leading the Brotherhood for Sleeping Car Porters, his work with the Civil Rights Movement, spearheading the March on Washington with Bayard Rustin, and being instrumental in strategizing and mobilizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott. However, what most impresses me about A. Phillip Randolph is his courage, vision, and commitment to eradicate poverty in the United States by establishing and implementing the Freedom Budget for All Americans. A detailed, comprehensive plan to eradicate poverty in the United States of America, the Freedom Budget is an economic strategy that indiscriminately affords an opportunity for a decent quality of life. Arguably the most widely known voice for Black working class interest, A. Phillip Randolph also was extremely influential in addressing the racial tensions of World War II; consequently, the Selective Service Act was passed in 1947 under Harry S. Truman's administration.
![LEFT: A mural of A. Philip Randolph located on the corner of A. Philip Randolph Blvd. and Pippen St. RIGHT: \[A. Philip Randolph, half-length portrait, facing front\] / World Telegram & Sun photo by John Bottega.](
A. Phillip Randolph once said "Here in these United States, where there can be no economic or technical excuse for it, poverty is not only a private tragedy but, in a sense, a public crime. It is above all a challenge to our morality." Getting rid of poverty is more about enriching the currency of humanity, as oppose to augmenting and attending to currency of an economy. We all have a role to play in the eradication of poverty and we all must exercise a greater degree of consciousness and responsibility to completely realize the ideals that we as Americans espouse.
About the Author

Dr. Jamison is a native of Jacksonville, Fla. — OutEast to be exact, — a product of Duval County Public Schools, and a proud graduate of Jean Ribault Sr. High School. He earned his B.S. degree in Biology from Florida A&M University and his M.Ed., as well as his Ed.D., in Educational Leadership from University of North Florida. Dr. Jamison currently serves as Assistant Director of Urban Education and Community Initiatives in UNF's Center for Urban Education and Policy as well as faculty in the Department of Leadership, School Counseling and Sport Management. Dr. Jamison also directs an Urban Education Scholars Program — a radical equity initiative to diversify the teacher education pipeline in Northeast Florida — that recruits, retains, graduates, and employs students from underrepresented populations to pursue careers in education. His research interests include: Black leadership development, identity and career development, and community organizing/development – particularly for marginalized populations and neighborhoods. Rudy's work in education, Black leadership development, and with racial equity and social justice, all serve to level the playing field by affording access to information, resources, relationships, and opportunities to everyone. Everyone should be equipped with the tools and technologies necessary for them to navigate and negotiate their aspirations. Love.