How Does It Work?
- You are enrolled in our longest payment plan of seven months with no interest.
- Your designated credit card will be automatically processed during the renewal period.
- Your potential playoff tickets will automatically be reserved on the Pay-As-We-Play plan.
Opt Out Information
- If you choose to opt out of the auto-renewal plan, you will not receive the early season ticket renewal pricing and your account will be reinvoiced at a later date.
- Your seats will not be automatically reserved for any potential playoff games. Action is required on your part to reserve your season ticket location for any playoff games.

Season Ticket Auto-Renewal FAQs
How do I enroll in Auto-Renewal?
All Jaguars season ticket members that purchased or renewed their 2024 season tickets have been automatically enrolled in the 2025 auto renewal program.
What am I authorizing by enrolling in the Auto-Renewal program?
You are authorizing the Jaguars to automatically renew and process payment for your season tickets, associated handling fees and parking passes (if applicable). By selecting the auto-renewal option, you are guaranteed the lowest renewal rate available. We will continue to automatically renew and process payment for these items annually as long as your account remains in good standing, or unless you cancel your Auto-Renewal enrollment prior to commencement of the subsequent season's Auto-Renewal period.
Can I opt out of the auto renewal?
Enrolling in Auto-Renewal commits you to purchase your season tickets for the full upcoming season. You must opt out by January 16, 2025 by completing the opt out form HERE or by contacting your Account Representative. Ensure your email or other method of communication is kept up to date and valid. If you fail to opt-out prior to the designated deadline, no refunds will be accommodated after the initial charge.
If I opt out of Auto-Renewal, does it cancel my season tickets?
No, you are simply opting out of that specific payment plan. You will still have the ability to renew your season tickets. You will not receive the lowest renewal rate or longest payment plan.
How is my payment set up and processed?
You have provided us with your preferred credit card upon your 2024 renewal. We will set up your season tickets on the seven-month Payment Plan which permits your season ticket invoice payment to be paid in seven equal installments between January through July. We will automatically process your card on the 20 of each month. If you wish to pay your season ticket invoice in one lump sum payment on or before the first due date for the seven-month Payment Plan, you may do so by contacting your Account Representative or by calling (904) 633-2000.
We will also secure your season ticket location for all potential playoff games. Your card for playoff tickets will not be charged until a home game is confirmed. At most we can host three potential home playoff games. If we do not host a home playoff game nothing will be charged to your card.
What if I need to change my credit card throughout the year?
You can update your credit card online through Account Manager or contact your Account Representative or call (904) 633-2000 anytime. It is your responsibility to ensure your preferred credit card is available to be charged through the Auto-Renewal Plan.
Does Auto-Renewal affect my ability to manage, transfer or resell my tickets?
No. Auto-Renewal simply secures your seats and processes your payments. You can manage your tickets through Jaguars Account Manager the same way you normally would.
Do I still have the option to relocate, upgrade my seats or add on additional seats?
Yes. You will be automatically be enrolled in our seat relocation, upgrade, and add on process.
Does Auto-Renewal add cost to my season tickets?
No. There is no additional cost with Auto-Renewal. You will receive the lowest renewal price available.
Are my seats automatically reserved for any potential home playoff games?
Yes, by completing your season ticket renewal your seats will be automatically reserved for up to three potential home playoff games. Your 2025-'26 playoff tickets are reserved on our Pay-As-We-Play plan. Your card will only be charged once a home playoff game is confirmed.
Please contact your Account Representative if you need to update your card anytime throughout the year. If for any reason you do not want your playoff tickets, please contact your Account Representative.
How will 2025 Renewal Impact My Priority For Stadium of the Future in 2028?
Renewing for the 2025-2026 season ensures you'll have priority access for the 2028-2029 season when the Stadium of the Future arrives.